
Profesional K3

   KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA      (   A. Profesional K3 Profesi K3 sering dipandang sebelah mata, bahkan tidak jarang jabatan K3 dipandang sebagai posisi buangan bagi pekerja tua tidak produktif yang karirnya sudah tidak joss lagi di perusahaan. Kira – kira bener ga yaa adick adick ? Pandangan tersebut jelas keliru !. profesional K3, terlepas dari apapun sebutan dan tingkatnya memiliki tugas pokok dan fungsi yang tidak mudah. Untuk dapat menjalankan tugasnya dengan benar, seorang profesional K3 memerlukan pendidikan, pelatihan dan pengalaman yang disokong dari beragam rumpun ilmu, diantantaranta fisika, kimia, biologi, fisiologi, statistika, matematika, komputer, teknik mekanika, proses industri, bisnis, komunikasi dan psikologi. Beragam studi harus mampu dilakukan oleh profesional K3, diantaranya toksikologi dan higiene industri, desain teknis pengendalian bahaya, perlindungan kebakaran, ergonomi, keselamatan proses produksi, manajemen K3, analisis dan investigasi
Nama : Fadhila Chairunisa Nim :  221041019 GINGER WEDANG RECIPES TO WARM THE BODY  Sumber : Wedang ginger is a traditional ginger juice drink from the regions of Central Java, DI Yogyakarta and East Java, Indonesia which is generally served warm or hot. Wedang ginger is also sometimes referred to as ginger tea, even though it does not contain tea leaves at all. Ingredients : 1 liter of water 100 grams of ginger peeled and bruised 2 stalks of lemongrass, bruised the white part 2 pieces of pandan leaves torn 200 grams of shaved brown sugar or small slices How to Make Wedang Ginger : 1. Boil water with ginger, lemongrass, pandan leaves, and brown sugar. Cover the pot. 2. Lower the heat, boil until the water boils and the juices from the ingredients come out, about 30 minutes. Remove and then filter. 3. Serve the ginger drink while it's warm.
Nama : Fadhila Chairunisa Nim : 221041019 SPICY SOUR FISH RECIPES Sumber : This dish is very often cooked in my extended family in North Sumatra. Because the sour taste is so delicious and with spices that come from Sumatra itself which makes its own pleasure on the tongue of the fans. Ingredients :   1 kg of red snapper 1 tbsp salt 4 limes  Spice : 1 forefinger of turmeric ½ forefinger of ginger 4 shallots 4 cloves garlic 10 grains of stock / pepper 4 large red chilies 3 candlenuts salt and seasoning to taste 2 sticks of lemongrass 1 galangal head, bruised 2 kaffir lime leaves 10 seeds of vegetable starfruit / wuluh, sliced   How to cook : Clean and cut the red snapper. Add salt and lime juice. Finely grind the turmeric, ginger, shallots, garlic, chili/pepper, large red chilies and candlenuts. Also add salt and seasoning. Sauté the spice mixture until fragrant. Add the red snapper and stir-fr